Sentinel-2 MSI: MultiSpectral Instrument, Level-1C (COPERNICUS/S2)

Sentinel-2 is a wide-swath, high-resolution, multi-spectral
imaging mission supporting Copernicus Land Monitoring studies,
including the monitoring of vegetation, soil and water cover,
as well as observation of inland waterways and coastal areas.

The Sentinel-2 data contain 13 UINT16 spectral bands representing
TOA reflectance scaled by 10000. See the Sentinel-2 User Handbook
for details. In addition, three QA bands are present where one
(QA60) is a bitmask band with cloud mask information. For more
details, see the full explanation of how cloud masks are computed.

Each Sentinel-2 product (zip archive) may contain multiple
granules. Each granule becomes a separate Earth Engine asset.
EE asset ids for Sentinel-2 assets have the following format:
COPERNICUS/S2/20151128T002653_20151128T102149_T56MNN. Here the
first numeric part represents the sensing date and time, the
second numeric part represents the product generation date and
time, and the final 6-character string is a unique granule identifier
indicating its UTM grid reference (see MGRS).

For more details on Sentinel-2 radiometric resoltuon, see this page.

B1Aerosols443.9nm (S2A) / 442.3nm (S2B)0.0001
B2Blue496.6nm (S2A) / 492.1nm (S2B)0.0001
B3Green560nm (S2A) / 559nm (S2B)0.0001
B4Red664.5nm (S2A) / 665nm (S2B)0.0001
B5Red Edge 1703.9nm (S2A) / 703.8nm (S2B)0.0001
B6Red Edge 2740.2nm (S2A) / 739.1nm (S2B)0.0001
B7Red Edge 3782.5nm (S2A) / 779.7nm (S2B)0.0001
B8NIR835.1nm (S2A) / 833nm (S2B)0.0001
B8ARed Edge 4864.8nm (S2A) / 864nm (S2B)0.0001
B9Water vapor945nm (S2A) / 943.2nm (S2B)0.0001
B10Cirrus1373.5nm (S2A) / 1376.9nm (S2B)0.0001
B11SWIR 11613.7nm (S2A) / 1610.4nm (S2B)0.0001
B12SWIR 22202.4nm (S2A) / 2185.7nm (S2B)0.0001
QA10Always empty
QA20Always empty
QA60Cloud mask


European Union/ESA/Copernicus (producer, licensor)
Google Earth Engine (host)
STAC Version 0.6.2
Keywords copernicus, esa, eu, msi, radiance, sentinel
License proprietary
Temporal Extent 6/22/2015, 5:00:00 PM - now
Type image_collection
Platform Sentinel-2A
Instrument MSI
cube:dimensions {"x":{"type":"spatial","axis":"x","extent":[-180,180]},"y":{"type":"spatial","axis":"y","extent":[-56,83]},"temporal":{"type":"temporal","extent":["2015-06-23T00:00:00Z",null]},"bands":{"type":"bands","values":["B1","B2","B3","B4","B5","B6","B7","B8","B8A","B9","B10","B11","B12","QA10","QA20","QA60"]}}