USDA NASS Cropland Data Layers (USDA/NASS/CDL)

The Cropland Data Layer (CDL) is a crop-specific land cover data layer
created annually for the continental United States using moderate
resolution satellite imagery and extensive agricultural ground truth.
The CDL is created by the USDA, National Agricultural Statistics
Service (NASS), Research and Development Division, Geospatial
Information Branch, Spatial Analysis Research Section.

For detailed FAQ please visit CropScape and Cropland Data
Layers - FAQs

croplandMain crop-specific land cover classification.
cultivatedClassification layer for identifying cultivated and non-cultivated land cover. Available from 2013 to 2017.
confidencePer-pixel predicted confidence of the given classification, with 0 being the least confident and 100 the most confident. Available from 2008 to 2017 (Note: Confidence for Florida and Washington D.C. is unavailable for 2010).


USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service (producer, licensor)
Google Earth Engine (host)
STAC Version 0.6.2
Keywords cdl, cropland, landcover, nass, usda
License proprietary
Temporal Extent 12/31/1996, 4:00:00 PM - now
Citation USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service Cropland Data Layer. {YEAR}. Published crop-specific data layer [Online]. Available at []( (accessed {DATE}; verified {DATE}). USDA-NASS, Washington, DC.
Type image_collection
GSD metersm
Cadence year
cube:dimensions {"x":{"type":"spatial","axis":"x","extent":[-104.43,-96.54]},"y":{"type":"spatial","axis":"y","extent":[45.7,49.23]},"temporal":{"type":"temporal","extent":["1997-01-01T00:00:00Z",null]},"bands":{"type":"bands","values":["cropland","cultivated","confidence"]}}